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Langdon's Flowers

Blazing Beauty Rose Bouquet


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Blooming with grace and style, this stunning rose bouquet is set to send warm wishes to your recipient in way that will lift their spirits and have them delight in the unexpected. Salmon roses and coral roses combine to create a bright blushing display, accented with lush greens and hand-tied to provide a rounded and full form. Casually placed in a large clear glass cylinder vase with river rocks at the bottom to create even further interest, this fresh floral arrangement will be an unforgettabl

Delivery Cut-Off Times

Cut-off Times for Same-Day Delivery:
Mon- Fri: 3pm EST
Sat & Sun: 2pm EST

Delivery Information

Note: We have a $60 order minimum for it be eligible for delivery!
Store pickup is FREE! For same-day delivery, orders must be placed before 3PM EST Mon to Fri, 2PM Sat and Sun. For complete list of delivery areas and same-day cut off times, click here.

Substitution Policy

Occasionally it may be necessary to substitute flowers or containers with products of similar grade and quality. This may be necessary due to seasonal factors (for example, tulips or sunflowers may not be available during certain months in various regions worldwide) or due to limitations of supply within smaller towns or rural areas.

     Blazing Beauty Rose Bouquet

    Same-Day Delivery

    Orders must be placed by 2pm

    Available for Pickup

    Volume Discount